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metal-organic compoundsActa Crystallographica Section EStructure Reports OnlineISSN 1600-= 99.722 (1) V = 2257.97 (10) A3 Z=4 Mo K radiation= 1.03 mm T = 296 K 0.15 0.13 0.ten mmData collectionBis(2,20 -bipyridyl-j2N,N0 )chloridonickel(II) nitrate trihydrateMehdi Boutebdja,a Adel Beghidja,a Chahrazed Beghidja,a Zouaoui Setifib and Hocine MerazigaaBruker APEXII CCD diffractometer 21125 measured reflections5177 independent reflections 3811 reflections with I 2(I) Rint = 0.RefinementR[F two two(F 2)] = 0.044 wR(F two) = 0.127 S = 1.01 5177 reflections 298 parameters 9 restraints H-atom parameters constrained ax = 0.47 e A in = .47 e AUnite de Recherche de Chimie de l’Envir.

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Author: PIKFYVE- pikfyve