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Al process poorly developed, narrowly separating middle coxae with anterior margin beaded. Scutellum with scattered secondary punctures, slightly longer than wide medially. Elytron: With 7 striae between suture and humeral umbone, stria 2 interrupted by stria 1 not reaching base, stria 5 terminating at basal one-ninth; interval 4 more convex and wider than others at basal one-fifth, interval 2, 5, and 6 less convex than others (Figs 1, 7). Legs: Protibia with 10 distinct teeth on outer margin, apical 3 teeth Saroglitazar Magnesium site protruding, tip of apical tooth sharp and curved outwardly. Male genitalia: Length 1.6 mm. Parameres (Figs 13?4, 19) capsulelike, swollen overall when viewed laterally, weakly sclerotized laterally with medial and apical parts membranous; surface sparsely punctate, glabrous; longer in length than basal piece. Median lobe (Figs 13?4) trilobate; apex of dorsal sclerite largely swollen, shape rectangular; lateral sclerites downcurved (Fig. 19) with apex rounded swollen, more sclerotized and slightly shorter than dorsal sclerite; supporting sclerites elongateoval. Internal sac invisible. Temones strongly sclerotized basally, shortly thickened to half of basal piece (Fig. 13). Basal piece with apical portion asymmetrical. Female. Unknown. Etymology. The specific name is the Latin minutus which refers to the smallest body size of species currently known within Bolbochromus. Biotin-VAD-FMK web Diagnosis. Bolbochromus minutus is similar to B. plagiatus, but it can be distinguished based on the following combination of characteristics: smaller in body size (B. plagiatus larger, body length approximately 6.3 mm); punctures of pronotal midline shallow and sparsely distributed (densely coarse rugopunctures in B. plagiatus); elytral markings small across base of intervals 3-7 (large, across from stria 1 to epipleuron in B. plagiatus); tip of protibial apical tooth sharp and elongate (obtuse and not elongate in B. plagiatus).Chun-Lin Li et al. / ZooKeys 290: 39?4 (2013)Figures 1?. Dorsal habitus of Bolbochromus spp. 1 B. minutus sp. n., holotype male 2 B. nomurai sp. n., holotype male 3 B. malayensis sp. n., holotype male 4 B. malayensis sp. n., paratype female. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.Remarks. Compared with other males in Bolbochromus species, B. minutus can be easily separated from other similar species by the smaller body size, form of the elytral markings, and the punctures of the pronotal midline. In addition, the characteristics of the male genitalia are diagnostic.Three new species of Bolbochromus Boucomont (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae, Bolboceratinae)…Bolbochromus nomurai Li Krikken, sp. n. Figs 2, 6, 8, 15?6, 20 Holotype male. The holotype is glued to a paper point and labeled: VIETNAM: Deo Pha Din (1000?400m), Son La Prov.// [N. VIETNAM]// 24. VI. 1997// S. Nomura leg. (deposited at the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan). Type locality. Northern Vietnam: Son La Province, Deo Pha Din, 21?0’N, 103?0’E (Fig. 23). Description. Holotype male (Fig. 2, 6, 8). Body length 7.1 mm; greatest width 4.1 mm. Form elongate-subovate, sides parallel. Dorsum black, with margins of head, pronotum, and elytron reddish black; isolated brownish orange markings located on each corner of pronotum, shape irregular, subequal in size (Fig. 8); elytral markings across base of striae 1-6 and interval 7, shape transversely rounded (Fig. 2). Head: Labrum with anter.Al process poorly developed, narrowly separating middle coxae with anterior margin beaded. Scutellum with scattered secondary punctures, slightly longer than wide medially. Elytron: With 7 striae between suture and humeral umbone, stria 2 interrupted by stria 1 not reaching base, stria 5 terminating at basal one-ninth; interval 4 more convex and wider than others at basal one-fifth, interval 2, 5, and 6 less convex than others (Figs 1, 7). Legs: Protibia with 10 distinct teeth on outer margin, apical 3 teeth protruding, tip of apical tooth sharp and curved outwardly. Male genitalia: Length 1.6 mm. Parameres (Figs 13?4, 19) capsulelike, swollen overall when viewed laterally, weakly sclerotized laterally with medial and apical parts membranous; surface sparsely punctate, glabrous; longer in length than basal piece. Median lobe (Figs 13?4) trilobate; apex of dorsal sclerite largely swollen, shape rectangular; lateral sclerites downcurved (Fig. 19) with apex rounded swollen, more sclerotized and slightly shorter than dorsal sclerite; supporting sclerites elongateoval. Internal sac invisible. Temones strongly sclerotized basally, shortly thickened to half of basal piece (Fig. 13). Basal piece with apical portion asymmetrical. Female. Unknown. Etymology. The specific name is the Latin minutus which refers to the smallest body size of species currently known within Bolbochromus. Diagnosis. Bolbochromus minutus is similar to B. plagiatus, but it can be distinguished based on the following combination of characteristics: smaller in body size (B. plagiatus larger, body length approximately 6.3 mm); punctures of pronotal midline shallow and sparsely distributed (densely coarse rugopunctures in B. plagiatus); elytral markings small across base of intervals 3-7 (large, across from stria 1 to epipleuron in B. plagiatus); tip of protibial apical tooth sharp and elongate (obtuse and not elongate in B. plagiatus).Chun-Lin Li et al. / ZooKeys 290: 39?4 (2013)Figures 1?. Dorsal habitus of Bolbochromus spp. 1 B. minutus sp. n., holotype male 2 B. nomurai sp. n., holotype male 3 B. malayensis sp. n., holotype male 4 B. malayensis sp. n., paratype female. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.Remarks. Compared with other males in Bolbochromus species, B. minutus can be easily separated from other similar species by the smaller body size, form of the elytral markings, and the punctures of the pronotal midline. In addition, the characteristics of the male genitalia are diagnostic.Three new species of Bolbochromus Boucomont (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae, Bolboceratinae)…Bolbochromus nomurai Li Krikken, sp. n. Figs 2, 6, 8, 15?6, 20 Holotype male. The holotype is glued to a paper point and labeled: VIETNAM: Deo Pha Din (1000?400m), Son La Prov.// [N. VIETNAM]// 24. VI. 1997// S. Nomura leg. (deposited at the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan). Type locality. Northern Vietnam: Son La Province, Deo Pha Din, 21?0’N, 103?0’E (Fig. 23). Description. Holotype male (Fig. 2, 6, 8). Body length 7.1 mm; greatest width 4.1 mm. Form elongate-subovate, sides parallel. Dorsum black, with margins of head, pronotum, and elytron reddish black; isolated brownish orange markings located on each corner of pronotum, shape irregular, subequal in size (Fig. 8); elytral markings across base of striae 1-6 and interval 7, shape transversely rounded (Fig. 2). Head: Labrum with anter.

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Author: PIKFYVE- pikfyve